New publication by Börries Kuzmany

Kuzmany, B. (2022). Nationale Aushandlungsprozesse in der späten Habsburgermonarchie am Beispiel des Galizischen Ausgleichs von 1914

This article analyses the informal political negotiation processes that led to a national compromise between Poles and Ruthenians/Ukrainians in Galicia in 1914. The article demonstrates that class and party-political concerns had to be taken into account equally seriously in order to ultimately reach a national compromise. Börries Kuzmany, "Nationale Aushandlungsprozesse in der späten Habsburgermonarchie am Beispiel des Galizischen Ausgleichs von 1914," Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 71/1 (2022), pp. 39-80


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no 758015